

  • Winter, Probiotics, and Acidophilus Plus

    With winter comes brisk weather, weakened immune systems, and sickness. Since eighty percent of your immune health lies in the gut, it only makes sense to ensure you give your gut the best nutrition you can, especially during these cold, chilly months. Probiotics take the top spot on a list of su...
  • How to Naturally Repel Mosquitoes

    The temperature has gone up, and the mosquitoes have come out and they are hungry for blood. For all those that enjoy the sun’s Vitamin D, being outdoors, and being active, are very prone to getting bit. For those people, and for the rest of us who simply don’t like those red, itchy bumps all sum...
  • Melatonin-- Nature's Sleep Aid?

    There are much discussion and debate about the benefits and effectiveness of using melatonin as a natural sleep aid.  With so many differing opinions, it can be hard to decipher the facts.  So, what is the truth about melatonin? What is melatonin? Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gla...
  • Kiss Your Seasonal Allergies Goodbye

    Spring is here, the pollen count is set at "very high," and seasonal allergies are in full swing. Congestion, runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, scratchy throat--is any of this sounding familiar? The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that 1 in 5 Americans suffer from seasonal alle...
  • Does YOUR child have a nutritional deficiency?

    Parents, you want the best for your children--that goes without saying. But despite your best, gold star efforts, your children can still develop nutritional deficiencies. Nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are essential for good health, especially in children who are still growing and dev...
  • Fight the Mystery Virus, Colds, & Flu Naturally!

    It's early September again. Temperatures will soon be dropping, and with this drop comes - you've guessed it! - colds, flu, viruses, and more. Already there's a sickness dubbed "the mystery virus" documented in ten states and sweeping the nation quickly. Its symptoms include normal cold signs, su...
  • White Flour vs. Whole Grains, and the Importance of Tre-En-En

    We hear a lot about whole grains these days. Some people say they're good for us; others tell us to avoid them at all costs. Here we'll take a closer look at both whole grains and white flour, and see what roles they play in our diets. Until the invention of steel rollers in 1839, grains were gro...
  • Aloe Vera- The Miracle Plant

    Historically, Aloe Vera has been described in writings in many different cultures, including the Greek, Egyptian, and Roman eras. References have also been found in writings from the Indian and Chinese early cultures. Ancient records show that the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known for centuri...