Why Do We Need to Take Vitamins?
A lot of the vitamins that are necessary for our bodies come from the foods that we eat. However, if you are living in America there’s a great chance that you are eating a “Western Diet,” that’s filled with processed food that has stripped most of the nutrients away, causing them to be low in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, a lot of people experience some form of nutrient deficiency. To make up for that deficiency we take supplements.
Risk Factors of Vitamin Deficiencies in Men
You can experience low vitamin and mineral levels without showing any noticeable signs or symptoms, so don’t assume that because you feel mostly “normal” your diet is definitely sufficient in the best vitamins. There are several risk factors for men that can make them likely to have a deficiency:
- eating a poor diet, especially one low in fresh vegetables and fruits
- being elderly (studies show nutritional status in older men can be impacted by a decrease in the gastric secretion of digestive juices, changes in fluid and electrolyte regulation, and chronic illness)
- family history of deficiencies
- recovering from an illness that affects nutrient absorption within the digestive tract
- taking medications that block the effects of some vitamins
Even if you eat a pretty solid diet and try to include a variety of nutrient-rich foods in your meals every day, it may still be a wise idea to take supplements.
Best Vitamins and Minerals for Men
- Vitamin D3. It’s estimated that 45-75% of adults in the U.S. are vitamin D deficient. Men need vitamin D3 to produce testosterone, maintain strong bones, protect brain health, prevent mood disorders, and help control cholesterol and blood pressure levels. If men have a deficiency in D3 might be up to 80% more likely to suffer a heart attack or stroke.
- Vitamin B12. Although some may think that eating enough beef, poultry, and eggs will be enough of a B12 intake, it is not. Because men often take prescription or over-the-counter medicine, it interferes with their absorption of the vitamin. A deficiency in B12 can cause fatigue and central nervous system issues.
- Antioxidant Vitamins (Vitamins A, C, and E). The biggest benefit of antioxidant vitamins is that they fight free radical damage, which speeds up the aging process and puts men at a greater risk for problems like cancer, cognitive decline, vision loss, and heart disease. They also help protect healthy cells and prevent cell mutation and tumor growth.
- Vitamin K. Vitamin K is important for building and maintaining strong bones, blood clotting, and preventing heart disease. Those who have been taking antibiotics and prescription medications for an extended period of time, and men suffering from intestinal problems, are more likely to have a Vitamin K deficiency.
- Magnesium. Magnesium is an essential electrolyte mineral involved in over 300 different chemical processes. It plays a huge part in regulating calcium, potassium, and sodium levels, helping prevent conditions like high blood pressure, muscle spasms, headaches, and heart disease. Magnesium deficiency can cause muscle spasms/twitches, anxiety, trouble going to the bathroom, and difficulty getting good sleep.
- Omega-3 Salmon Oil. Omega-3s are beneficial for heart health, the brain, and the immune system. One of its main functions is being an anti-inflammatory.
- Potassium. Low potassium raises the risk of cardiovascular issues, especially high blood pressure. It is also linked to poor bone health, sluggish metabolism, fatigue, poor digestion, and muscle spasms
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