Allergies have met their match. This five-fold blend of herbs — fennel, fenugreek, mullein, horseradish, and boneset — together with work to reduce the inflammatory response caused in the body by airborne and seasonal allergens.
This allows the lungs and respiratory system to cleanse itself of mucus and other toxins for easy, clear breathing.
Customer Testimonies:
Joseph G.
"ALJ is the only thing that helps with my allergies. I’ve been taking it for 20 years. No over the counter meds for me!"
Ivette R.
"My 12 year old son is very sensitive to outdoor allergens. All his allergy tests came back positive. He’s been on allergy meds for 5-6 years. He coughs, wheezes, and suffers severe asthma. He started using ALJ in November with good results and added Resp-Eleven in May the following year for allergy season. He noticed an improvement in 2 weeks! Now he’s off all medication."
ALJ is available in capsules and in a liquid form.
For more info or to order, reach us by phone at (423) 899-8422 or by email at naturesfinestnutrition@gmail.com.
Visit us on our website and Facebook! We’re always happy to help!
Please note:
We do not directly or indirectly give medical advice or prescribe through alternative treatment. We recommend that people contact their doctor if they need a medical diagnosis. We assume no responsibility if anyone decides to use this information, which is of historical value, for they are choosing to prescribe for themselves. Healing is sometimes a slow process, and we suggest that you do not stop taking any medications without the guidance of a doctor.