Need a refresh? This whole body cleanse will get you roaring and ready! Cleanse your body from the inside out with these three simple products!
1.) 30 DAY GENERAL CLEANSE. Dr. Lawson suggests that everyone do this twice a year, or at least not less than once a year.
- Alfalfa Plus Fiber. Take 3 with every meal for a total of 9 tablets a day.
- BetaGard. Take 2 with every meal for a total of 6 tablets a day.
- Neo-Lax. Take 1 with every meal for a total of 3 tablets a day.
This will take 1 bottle of Alfalfa, 2 bottles of BetaGard, and 1 bottle of Neo-Lax for the full month’s supply.
- contains every trace mineral, all the macro minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, etc…), and every vitamin
- has more protein by weight than steak.
Alfalfa has also been used historically to help:
- Sinus Problems
- Hay Fever
- Uric Acid Levels
- Arthritis
- Allergies
- Rashes
- Asthma
- Salt/Mineral Imbalances
- Obesity
- Bronchial Problems
- Gout
- Balances PH Levels
- protects the body from our toxic environment
- removes heavy metals and free radicals
- builds the immune system.
- purifies the blood
- purges the liver
- cleans the lymph system
- naturally stimulates healthy elimination.
2) MASTER CLEANSE. This is for people with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or hardening of the arteries, etc…
- General Cleanse Program
- Lipotropic Adjunct. 6 tablets per day. Take 2 with each meal.
- Multi-Min with Chelates. 6 tablets per day. Take 2 with each meal.
This is a recommended program only. It is not to be considered a prescription.
Reach us by phone at (423) 899-8422 or by email at naturesfinestnutrition@gmail.com.
Visit us on our website and Facebook! We're always happy to help!
Please note:
We do not directly or indirectly give medical advice or prescribe through alternative treatment. We recommend that people contact their doctor if they need a medical diagnosis. We assume no responsibility if anyone decides to use this information, which is of historical value, for they are choosing to prescribe for themselves. Healing is sometimes a slow process, and we suggest that you do not stop taking any medications without the guidance of a doctor.